Sunday, June 9, 2013

Mission: Math

I've come to the conclusion that if I want something to happen, then I just have to write it down.   Right?? I've been reading blog after blog this year, pinning items to my Pinterest account, bookmarked url's on my laptop, and have so many ideas spinning around in my head that I almost don't know where to start.  I'm hoping that this blog will give me some focus and, in the process, allow you to see my train of thought, inspire you to implement some of these ideas, and share some of your own creations.  Here's to hoping…

I currently teach 8th grade math, although really it's not 8th grade math, it's Algebra 1 and Geometry (2 of each class).  My school is on the block schedule and I have a crazy 111 minutes each block to motivate the kids to do math.  That might seem like a lot to those of you with traditional schedules, but I'm always amazed at how quickly the time goes.  I also have a daily 40-minute class ("Bridges") populated with about 25 students who need a little extra help (push?) with mathematics.

You should see the list I have going on my laptop of things I want to implement this year.  It's crazy long and I'm going to have to weed through it soon.  I know that summer is going to fly by way too fast…

My Top 3 Goals for 2013 - 2014

  • Implement Interactive Notebooks with foldables (I'm going to call them MSGs - "Math Survival Guide" - sorry for any confusion to those of you military affiliated :))
  • Create a "learner-centered" classroom.  I field tested this last year with good results and now want to use it with all classes.  This will be a lot of front-loading and revising this year.
  • Incorporate more IB (yes, I'm at an IB school too) daily.
Sooooo…. I think you'll see that I'm a bit of a rambler as I like to think as I type.  I'll stop here for now and post again later with some more summer thoughts, but I hope that you'll enjoy following on my journey!


  1. I would love to read a post about what your daily math class consists off. 111 minutes seems like a lot of time, I would be interested in reading how you structure it.

    A blog can be a great place to keep track of what you have tried and share it with others and get some feedback from them!

    The Math Maniac

  2. I'm loving it already Tara! I'll work on getting you a timeline for my classes. Forgive me if I don't get to it before Alaska... :).
