Thursday, July 31, 2014

Thinking about the First Day of School….

I can't believe that tomorrow is August!  I've already been in my classroom for about 9 hours, prepping for the year.  However, I'm pretty excited because I've got a great team of math teachers who are all on board for new and exciting changes.

Recently, I've seen a neat activity floating around Pinterest for a first day of school math activity.  I actually got onto my Pinterest account this morning to locate it and create my own copy, but was lucky enough to stumble across a link to Donna at Math Coach's Corner who had already created a blank template!  Thanks, Donna :).  I actually love the idea that's in the picture of having the students use the activity as their insert of the front cover of their math binders.

I've been trying to think about other activities to do that day as well.  We get to see each class for about 55 minutes that day.  I don't want to bore them the very first day and I'll probably spend a bit each subsequent day going over different policies, so I'd like to have something where they can move around a bit and get to know each other.  What I've decided on (I think…), is this:

When students come in the door, they will be handed a piece of 8 ½ x 11" paper that has a single number written on it.  The number might be an integer, a square or cube root, a whole number with integer exponent, or some irrational number like pi or sqrt 2.  After some introductions and necessary paperwork, I'll have the students get up and try and put themselves in number line order from least to greatest.  It will be a little tough, because there may be some numbers they haven't been introduced to yet, but I think it will get them talking.  I did this last year (not for the first day) and they seemed to enjoy it.  There can be some good discussions about why a person/number might be in the wrong spot as they look around the room.

So basically, my day might look like this:
  • Students enter classroom with number and pick up a copy of the By the Numbers activity above.
  • Teacher/Student Introductions
  • Pass out any paperwork.
  • Introduce Number Line game and have students attempt to put themselves into the correct order.
  • Class discussion about Number Line and if they are correct.
  • Students return to seat and By the Number activity is introduces (I'll project my own copy).
  • Students work on By the Number activity and complete as homework if not finished.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

July Currently

I can't believe that July is already here.  Where did my June go??  I'm linking up with Farley for the July Currently, but will also try to do some more posts this month and get back into the blogging world!

Listening:  I'm up this morning working on some homework and my husband is digging up the pump to the bubbler in our backyard.  Little one (not so little anymore… she just turned 11!) also got up and is acting as "assistant"!  I love how patient he is with her and I love that she enjoys spending time with him, even if the job isn't playing with American Girl dolls :).  Oh… and of course the World Cup is also on!

Loving:  Summer time!  I love having time to just sit back and relax.  We just did a big vacation, seeing my brother-in-law get married in northern Idaho, visiting my sister in Seattle, and visiting my parents and in-laws in Sacramento.  Even though I had more homework to do, there weren't a lot of other responsibilities besides spending time with family.  It was so much fun and I still have about six weeks left to enjoy.  Oh… and my oldest got to do a bunch of driving on the trip.  That was also… exciting?? (Seriously, she did a great job - nine different states and various road conditions; not many fifteen year olds can say they've done that!)

Thinking:  I've got three weeks left in this second master's degree that I've been working on.  These two classes (Statistics for Teachers and Number Structures) are super intense, but I'm actually learning things.  They're both online, but I'm spending hours a day working on discussions and homework.  Three more weeks and I'm DONE!!  If anyone is looking for a great master's program for teachers of Mathematics, check out this program through Montana State University.

Wanting:  Just a day to read…. Usually I have time to read 10 - 15 books over the summer.  Up to now I've only read one :(.  Once these classes end I'll get to it, but some days I just want to take a break and get out a new novel.

Needing:   Nothing.  I'm feeling really blessed right now and everything seems to be going well.  There are things I would like (like a few more weeks of summer), but nothing that I really need.  I'm learning to be grateful for that!

4th Plans:  Since we just returned from vacation (after two days driving from California to Colorado) we don't have a ton of plans for the Fourth.  We're going to hang out with neighbors, maybe catch a movie, and enjoy some good food.